Hello, I am currently using a Zap that outputs data when a Shopify order is placed to a Google Sheet by line item based on the number of products ordered. I had 2 main questions regarding the automation for things I was looking to do.
1. The zap outputs the order number, customer name, date, email address, and state for each order. If the order contains multiple products, the zap will repeat the above mentioned fields for each line item in the order. I was wondering if it would be possible to only have those fields output on the first row and stay blank for the subsequent rows for the rest of the order’s line items.

2. I am using Bold Product Options as some of the products I have offer too many variants beyond the number that Shopify as able to support. As a result, if an order is placed that has the Product Options, it will give each option its own line item as if it were a separate product. Is there a way for the Zap to detect if the order contains such options and then combine both the line item names and the prices into the corresponding product they are associated with? The screenshot below shows how the product and options are formatted in Shopify.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated in advance.