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I have a google form that when submitted, it transfers that information to a Google slide. 

However, right now, it’s creating a new slide deck for each submission. How to do I get it to use the same slide deck and just add a new slide?



Hi there, @rudykurup! You got it! Your votes been added to that feature request. We’ll keep you and this thread updated once we know more. 🙂

Also looking to utilize this feature!

Just wanted to follow up here to note that there is an existing feature request for the ability to add slides to a Google Slide presentation. I’ve added @DogCrates4You’s vote for that feature to be added.

I don’t have an ETA on when it would be possible but we’ll reach out by email as soon as it is! :) 


NOTE: The above mentioned action for GSlides would create a new presentation per entry.

FYI: Zap triggers work in real-time on a per record basis.

Trying to schedule and query for past records would be a more advanced approach, possibly involving the GSheets Find Row(s) action.

Hi @DogCrates4You 

You can use this actions for GSlides: Create Presentation from Template

NOTE: It won’t add another slide to the same presentation.

In order to do so, that would likely involve using the GSlides API which is a much more advanced approach.


Would this approach work - 

Instead of the trigger being when a submission is created, have the trigger be a specific time (say each Thurs at 8am). 


Then the action is that a presentation is created (1 slide for each submission) for any submissions that were created in the past 7 days.


Hi @DogCrates4You 

You can use this actions for GSlides: Create Presentation from Template

NOTE: It won’t add another slide to the same presentation.

In order to do so, that would likely involve using the GSlides API which is a much more advanced approach.