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I am trying to filter a zap to stop if a value already exists (ticket ID from Spoke) in a Google Sheet. If the value does not exist, the zap continues on and writes that value to the same sheet. That way the zap only completes once for each ticket ID. I’m using a lookup on the ID value, but the zap is halting when the value is not yet found. Is there some other way to accomplish what I’m trying to do?

Hi @TSzaps Yes, sorry that can be a bit confusing! I’m glad that you’re all sorted 🙌

Hi @Danvers! Looks like my question actually answered itself. Even though the task history says the zap was halted because the lookup failed to find the ID value, the zap continues on and completes the rest of the actions without issue. Happy to say everything is working properly, even if the halted status confused me a bit :thumbsup:

Hi @TSzaps, welcome to the community!


To confirm what you’re looking to do here: the Zap looks for a row in Google Sheets, if one is found that matches the search, nothing happens. If there isn’t one that matches the search, add a new row with the relevant information. Is that right?

If that’s the case then that’s built in to the Lookup Spreadsheet Row step 🙂

At the bottom of the ‘Customize Spreadsheet Row’ step, you’ll see a tickbox ‘Create Google Spreadsheet Row if it doesn’t exist yet’.

If you tick that, then you’ll be given the extra fields that you need to complete the Row if it isn’t found. 

​I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any questions!