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I know that there is a Move Files and/or Delete Files option for Google Drive, but is there a way to set up Zapier to do either of these actions?

I am wanting to, after the file is accessed and my paths ran, auto-delete the file that was accessed.

Is this possible?

Hey @Sleehrat00!

Both the Google Drive and OneDrive apps are mentioned in this thread - neither have a Delete action.  

In general, we tend to stay away from Delete Actions. We don't currently have a delete action like that available.

The reason being that Zapier works well almost all the time, but errors do happen and we'd rather have extra data created than deleted.

You can follow along on the updates blog where we typically announce features like this:

Hi @Sleehrat00 

The OneDrive Zap app does not currently have actions available to move or delete files.

OneDrive available triggers/actions/searches available via Zap app: