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I’m using google meet to record my meeting with clients, and when it’s finished it’s uploaded auto0matically to a folder in google drive.

These meetings have the name of the client there (ex “Client name & me, date”), and the folders i have for my clients say “client name calls”. I want to make a zap that, once a file is uploaded, zapier searches for a folder that matches at least one word that is on the recording file and transfers it to the persons folder.


I can’t seem to make this type of conditional 


The File field expects the File ID instead of the File Title.



Hi @sergiosilva 

Good question.

Please post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured so we have more context to work with.

You can try using the Formatter > Text > Split (split at “ &” and keep the first segment) to isolate the client name to then search for a GDrive Folder by.

Also note, there’s a chance that 2 clients have the same name.

Do these screenshots help?

I’m using the formater to isolate the client name, but how do I make the search for partial input in this step?

I think it can find it, but now im getting this error. All steps have a success icon, except for this last one

's very intriguing... For example, how about triggering an update to Google Calendar?

Presumably, Meet will provide a link to the meeting on Google Calendar. It can be determined based on that information and the subject of the calendar.

@sergiosilva Hey there, checking in! 

Were you able to successfully launch your Zap using Title ID in lieu of File Title? Hoping you ran into no further issues 🤞