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I want to setup a zap where a new user in Thinkific triggers an email from Gmail with an attached document. I can’t seem to figure out how to add the attachment though. Please help!

Mod Edit: 03-17-2022

Hi @MegenTwice! The attachment can either be a file that you get from a previous step in the Zap or the url of a file online (the url must be publicly available ie anyone can click on it) and access the file). You can find out more about this here: Send files in Zaps


That means that it’s not possible to upload something directly from your desktop, but if you can upload it to a service like Google Drive or Dropbox, you can get the url and add paste that into the attachment field. 


If you upload it to Google Drive, here’s how you get the url that you need:

Go to the file in your Google Drive 

Right click on the file to see the options for it and click Share

Choose the option to have the file available for anyone with the link


While you’re in the sharing options, find the file ID, which is at the end of the file, like this:

The download link for the file is:

Don’t forget to put the ID from the url in the place of ‘FILE_ID’

One thing to note - this will only work for files that you UPLOAD to Google Drive (eg images, pdf, etc)  It will not work for documents, presentations, etc. created inside Google Drive. If you want to create a direct link to those, first download them to your computer then upload that file back on to Google Drive.

@ForYourIT I am attempting to do this same thing, I located where you indicated “Attachments" however, how do I upload/attach a document from my desktop? When I search only the items associated with my Zap are showing as options for attachment.

Hi @NTYoga and welcome,

To assist you on this can you give us a bit more details about what exactly you would like to accomplish?

  • What kind of attachment do you want to add?
  • Where is it you get stuck?

If you check out the Gmail action in your Zap workflow you can see there is a field called  Attachment. Here you can add any attachment you like. See the image below


Let me know!
~ Bjorn