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Hello May be a dumb question but, I'm trying to find the zap that has a specific webhook URL inside of it. I have the URL of the zapier webhook But I just don't know how to find which zap is associated with that URL. If anyone has a suggestion on how to do this I would really appreciate it thank you

Hi @lukejamison_

Sadly, the only way to do this is to open all your zaps manually and search for the webhook.

Hi @lukejamison_

As pointed out by @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu , you cannot find the zap matching a webhook URL using the website. However, you can use my script below in your browser's console to find the zap.

Find the zap that matches a webhook URL.

Go all the way to the bottom, and insert your webhook URL.


Here's how the response should look like.



This right here is a work of MAGIC by @ikbelkirasan

@ikbelkirasan Thank you so much! That literally worked like magic!

Thanks @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu :)

@lukejamison_ Great! Glad it worked for you! :)

You can also download the archive of all your zaps. Then search the zip.