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How to create task from Teamwork to Jira

  • 28 April 2020
  • 1 reply

I have a project, name “MEDEA” in Teamwork, and another, with the same name, in jira.

If I try to trigger issue creation in Jira after task creation in Teamwork using the Teamwork project name as the project name of the jira issue, zapier tell me

{"project":"project is required"}

Everything work if I hardcode the project name in the Zapier process, but this is not good because I need to create issue from several Teamwork project.

I even tried to use task tag, but Zapier seems not seeing them.

Now, is possibile to use the same Teamwork field value in a jira issue (projectname, creatore, assignee etc)? How can I do this?


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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Rick!

It sounds like you’re trying to associate your Teamwork projects with projects that you have in Jira, where the names match. The way you’d accomplish that is by using a Lookup Table (one of the options of our Formatter app). It takes an incoming value and then outputs a different value. In your case, you’ll want the ID of your Jira projects. 

You can learn more about Lookup Tables here:

In the image below you can see a Custom tab, to the right of Project. You would map the output of your Lookup Table there. To know which IDs to use in your Lookup Table please see what I’ve highlighted below:



Can you take a look at that help doc (there’s a video there as well) to see if it makes sense?