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How to automatically assign a contact to a deal (within Hubspot)

  • 12 January 2022
  • 31 replies

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31 replies

Userlevel 2

@Troy Tessalone

unless I manually associate the contact in the Deal, I think there will be no chance for the system to know to which deal which contact should be associated to or vice versa. Actually the only way for it to know is to get the first and last name of the contact as they are identical with the deal name (the deal name was created from the first and last name of the contact as no company is involved) but I think it only works in the zap with the respective ids. 

I can also only choose the deal id (41406..) which it then seems to take for the contact id.

Reversind deal and contact gives you the same result


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


If the Deal Name is the same as the Contact Name, then try adding a Find Contact step to the Zap before doing a Create Association step:


Userlevel 2

@Troy Tessalone mmh, ok but why won’t it let me choose the respective value in Hubspot


Is it because it is already retrieving these standard properties? How can I then define that the “ID” is one from the standard properties list?


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You need to map variables from a previous step.

For example, if your Deal Name is the Contact Name, then you may need a Formatter step to split the Deal Name into Contact First Name and Contact Last Name:

NOTE: Splitting Full Names by spaces may not work as expected due to these reasons:

  1. Multiple first names
  2. Multiple last names
  3. Middle names
  4. Name prefixes (e.g. Dr.)
  5. Name suffixes (e.g. Jr.)


Userlevel 2

@Troy Tessalone Thanks a lot for this tip. I could get it to work now. I have an trigger in place that creates a deal from a contact list in Hubspot. Once triggered, the zap will now include first and last name aswell as the contact id. It will separate the three with tha Formatter. With the Contact ID it is then easy to find the contact and create the association. I have one more issue with the contact association and automatic deal creation. So it seems that once a deal is automatically created with a zap based on another trigger, the contact association zap does not trigger (or recognize the new deal?). I have tested this by comparing the deals created via the zap from the Hubspot contact list vs. creating a deal manually. The contact association zap only triggers when a deal is manually created (only my test deal from 14.19).



Userlevel 7
Badge +14


The HubSpot New Deal Zap trigger is NOT instant.

Polling trigger: the majority of triggers are polling triggers.
With a polling trigger, Zapier will check for new data from your trigger every 1 to 15 minutes in order to start your Zap, depending on your pricing plan.

Check your Zap Runs to further troubleshoot: