Hi @yuriitelishchak - thanks for stopping by!
Taking a look at the Redmine API I believe this would be possible but tagging in @Troy Tessalone to confirm as they’re a pro at customization!
thank you for quick response!
I’ve sent separate message to Troy also
Hi there, @yuriitelishchak! 
If you do manage to figure out a way to solve this with Troy’s help outside of this thread, would you mind popping back in here to share the solution? I’m sure there are plenty of other folks in Community looking to do the same thing that would benefit from your answer. Thanks! 
@Troy Tessalone , could you please help with the issue?
I can connect f.e. Google Tasks with Zapier and set up the action "when a new task is created then... ". I've connected my Redmine with Zapier but I cannot set up the event, I need. In fields where the events can be selected, only "Create Issue", "Create Project" and "Create Time Entry" are presented.
Could it be customized somehow to set up something like "Download Time Entries" or “Show Time Entries”?
If yes, then is it possible to set up some filters (date, user) and finally download the CSV file.
What tool can I use to customize the actions? if it is possible...
Thank you in advance!
If the desired app triggers/actions aren’t available via the Zap app integration, then usually the app’s API/webhooks have to explored.
Redmine API: https://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/rest_api
App APIs can be used in Zaps with the Webhooks app: https://zapier.com/apps/webhook/help