
How can I use Zapier or a webhook to automate filling out a form without captcha or login?

  • 3 February 2024
  • 12 replies

Is there way to automate filling out a form using a we hook or zapier? There is not captcha or login required. For reasons out of my control filling out this form is the only way I am able to get the data into this particular destination. 

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12 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @5star 

That depends on the app being used for the form.

Can you provide more details? (screenshots are helpful)

Here is an example:


This isn’t the exact one, bits built using the same form builder. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


What is the form builder app being used?

@Troy Tessalone i am not sure yet. I’m trying to find that out. 

@Troy Tessalone It is

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You’d likely have to use the API:*1ttn15w*_gcl_au*OTU3NjI0Mjc4LjE3MDcwMDEwMDA.*_ga*MTg3ODA5NzQ2NC4xNzA3MDAxMDAw*_ga_JXW7Z7QN25*MTcwNzAwMTAwMC4xLjEuMTcwNzAwMTAzMS4yOS4wLjA.#fe0e1c46-ec0b-9141-fa11-db6e165fdcbd


Zap action: Webhook - POST or Custom Request (POST)



I don’t have access to the end. It is a form created by the CRM.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Zaps are meant for app to app data transfer in the backend.

You would need to explore using front end scripting automation.

I thought maybe I could do that using a webhook. Is there a better way to approach it?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Webhook as an action step would be for using the form app API.


You would need to explore using front end scripting automation such as simulating a user.

Ok thanks. Do you know anywhere I could go for front end scripting automation? I am a little lost here. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @5star! 👋

There are apps like Browserbear that can simulate certain actions like clicking and scrolling etc. which would be able to submit a form with certain fields selected but you wouldn’t be able to customise the fields that it selects via a Zap. You’d need to configure the task that’s run directly in Browserbear and then a Zap could be used in order to run it, so it couldn’t be used to pass dynamic data over to Browserbear to fill out the form. 

Does have the ability to let you pre-fill certain fields using a form URL? If so then you could try a similar approach to one that’s mentioned here for Google Forms:

That said, you mentioned that the form is generated by the CRM, which CRM is that? Just wondering if you could create the form submissions using the CRM instead perhaps? If you don’t have access to the CRM either, then you may need to reach out to the person who’s made the form to get API access so that you can automate supplying them with the information they need via the form they created.

Looking forward to hearing from you!