How can I retrieve asset name for new comments in
How do you get the asset name for a new comment. I currently have a Frame io “new comment” zap that sends all the new comments to a google spreadsheet.
The comments come in but I can’t tell what's being commented on. I can get the asset ID but it’s just a serialized number string. I can’t tell what asset is being commented on?
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Good question.
Try adding this Zap action: - Find Asset
Whats the asset I’m searching for i think the “name” variable is already taken by the person who posts the comment. Asset-id is a hash string. Any hints? Thanks.
This zap looks like it will find ONE PARTICULAR asset
You would need to map the dynamic variable form step 1 for the Asset ID to the Find Asset step.
Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.
Image :
I guess i”m not sure how to dynamically link the trigger to the “find asset”
Hi there @JJBB,
I’m jumping in to see if I can help!
Could you please try mapping the Asset ID from the trigger to the “Asset” field as a custom value? Like so:
Please give that a try, and let us know how it goes!
for $50 a month is seems like this should work.
There is no ASSET-ID in the trigger. Its just a hash. I’m looking for the actual filename. I know it’s possible because I have another ZAP that uses a different trigger and it grabs the file name. However the Variable used in that trigger (uploaded new asset trigger) is called NAME. In this trigger NAME is the person who uploaded the file.
Also, I’m looking for the name of the FILE for EVERY COMMENT not the file name for a single comment.
You can see in my google sheets I just have comments and HASH serial strings. I’m looking for the FILENAME that people are commenting on. this one page is for the WHOLE PROJECT.
From what I can see, the Asset ID is returned by the trigger.
Could you please give that a try, and let us know how it goes?
This doesn’t make sense to me.
Why would I use “Find Asset” to get the asset ID when I can aleady get the asset id. What I need is the name? The “find asset” doesn’t return a file name for me (third image). I’m not sure how you are getting to that screen with the “name” on it.
Since the “New Comment” trigger doesn’t return the file name in the sample data, we need to use the “Find Asset” action for the file name to be returned does that make sense?
Also, it looks like you haven’t tested the “Find Asset” action step. Could you please try testing that action for you to check the returned payload?
This broke my zap, used up all my zaps, AND STILL DOESN’T WORK.
Really a dream come true. Thanks so much.
I’m so sorry about that adding a Find Asset action resulted in your Zap breaking and using up all your Zaps. By Zaps can I just check do you mean that it used up all your task allowance for the month? Adding an additional action to a Zap like that Find Asset action will result in additional tasks being used by the Zap - is that what caused the tasks to be used up unexpectedly?
I’ve just tested a Find Asset action in a Zap and it appears to be able to correctly return the Name for the asset it finds:
When you say it’s not working, is it that your Google Sheets action doesn’t have the asset name added to the new row that’s created?
If so, can you confirm whether the Name field from that Find Asset action was selected in the Google Sheets action?
For example does it look similar to this: If the Name field was selected in the Google Sheets action, can you please share some further details about what’s not working? Any screenshots of errors or incorrect behaviour you can send over would be greatly appreciated. I’m unable to can’t access your Zaps so any further details or screenshots you could provide will be super helpful to us in identifying the cause of the issue. Remember to remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from the screenshot before sharing.