Do you mind if I ask was this particular user an admin on the Facebook account? If so, reallocating permissions to a new admin, might help resolve this. I’d recommend poking through a few of these articles here just to double check everything is setup correctly:
Hi @mrini !
Were you able to reconnect your Facebook account to your Zaps?
You should be able to reconnect to any other admin account with the necessary permissions for the page. If it helps, you can see all Zaps using a specific connection in your My apps page. Maybe this helps in narrowing down the ones that need updating!
This was a particular Admin. As part of anyone leaving the company, we need to remove their access, and when we did, it disconnected any relationships w/Zapier. What I don’t know is if this would be tied to one account or multiple. Seems like it would need to be a 1:1 for every Facebook Page.
I will check out those links now though.
Hey there @mrini - thanks so much for reaching out! That’s a great question and I know Facebook Leads Ads can be incredibly picky.
Do you mind if I ask was this particular user an admin on the Facebook account? If so, reallocating permissions to a new admin, might help resolve this. I’d recommend poking through a few of these articles here just to double check everything is setup correctly:
Keep us posted! We’d love to make sure you’re all squared away here.