Hey @twodrpsi!
Welcome to Zapier, and to the Community :)
There are several ways you could notify people of new orders. A few that come to mind:
- emails (or email digests instead of sending one email per order)
- messages to a channel in Slack, Microsoft teams, etc.
- create a dashboard of some sort that everyone has access to, that gets updated with new orders
- browser notifications using something like Pushbullet
- mobile notifications via SMS or using an app like Pushcut
Any of those sound like something that could work?
Those sound like I may be able to get one of them to work! Thank you!
Have you or anyone ever heard of using zapier to trigger a light bulb to turn on with a certain action/trigger? I have heard of it done with the old Phillips HUE systems but can no longer see Zapier compatibility with it?
Hi @twodrpsi ! Love this question! 
The Phillips HUE integration has been deprecated but there’s still hope! You could either:
- Build your own integration using the Philips Hue API
- Use IFTTT as our pal @bryce.vernon shares in this video
Let us know if you choose to try out either of these options- would love to see how you set this up!
You have to excuse my ignorance, but is anyone out there that could help me set up my own integration?
After looking into multiple options, we feel like the light turning on with each new order placed is going to best suit us.
Thank you,
Hey @twodrpsi! For help with this, you might try connecting with one of our Experts (https://zapier.com/experts) or asking for help in the “Hire a Pro” forum: https://community.zapier.com/hire-a-pro-12
Best of luck!