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Hi @Mattieman!

I don’t readily have WooCommerce to test with, but can you try using the Formatter app, then select Utilities, then Line-Item to Text? You would map the field you’re showing above, then select what you want as the output.

That should give you some options to “convert” what’s currently in that unusable form, into text you can filter on :)

I have set up a Zap for buyers to contact sellers on my site. Can I also try this to hide their email address from each other? 


Okay. yes, I am hoping to find a work around 

Hiya @mycarnivalmatch! Thanks for sharing that!

While the community won’t have access to view your zaps with that link - I just want to make sure I’m tracking. It sounds like you’re looking to mask email addresses in Gmail from both the recipient and the sender but still allow them to email one another? Does that sound right? If so...I’m sorry to say I don’t think that’s possible. Not within Gmail at least... 😔 

The community does have some incredibly smart people lurking so it’s possible they’ll have other ideas but I imagine it may require using alternative apps and revamping the workflow entirely. Sorry to not have better news for ya!

Here is the Zap


They email back and forth in the Gmail app


Thank you

Hi @mycarnivalmatch!

This will depend on how the Zap is set and how you’d like sellers and vendors to contact each other. Could you share some more details about your Zap, what are the different steps in it and how do you want to send messages between sellers and buyers?
