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Help Center to Interom

  • 15 January 2021
  • 5 replies

Hi guys,

I would like to export all my Help Center articles to Intercom. They are more than 1000 so I would need something automatic. Intercom has the following API REST but I don’t see that option here. Do you have any suggestion?




Hi there @migueltaxdown,

You may have already got this figured out on your own! @Ennes had some helpful tips in his response regarding exporting data here:

I can see you mentioned you were specifically looking to import your articles. Hopefully this article regarding bulk import data is useful: If you’re still needing help though feel free to create a new topic. We’re always happy to jump in. 🙂

Hi @migueltaxdown!

Since this was a little while ago, I wanted to check in to see if you’d managed to solve this or whether you still needed help here. Please let us know!

Hi @Ennes,

Thanks a lot for you answer. I am agree we should use a process. The one described in the article is for exporting a we need to import articles to Intercom. Also its under maintenance:

We will need that process again in the short future for Knowledge Base updates. Do you know any other solution?

Many thanks for your help!



I've moved this to “Ask the Community” for better visibility.

Hey @migueltaxdown,

but do you want to do this on a regular basis or would it just be a one time migration? If the latter is the case I think you could use a process the way it is described here.

Zapier can surely help you to work with the API but I think there are easier ways if it is juts a one off migration.

Let me know if this helps.