I have a spreadsheet that is updated weekly (currently manually) with row 1 being a list of dates in 01/01/2023 format. The dates range from 01/01/2023 to this week, from oldest to newest. These are my column headers.
I would like to be able to use Looping by Zapier to update this week’s column with a list of values. I can successfully update one cell at a time when testing, but it seems like the column must be hardcoded in order to populate. These will be dynamic, since each week’s date is added during that week.

Ideally I would be able to search using { current_date } to find the column header (in row 1), and then update the various rows in that column with my input data. For example, I need to use my Loop values to update column AA row 70, then column AA row 71, column AA row 72, and so on. I have the data and row number loaded into my Looping by Zapier inputs.
I have tried a few combinations of searching and looking, but everything leads to the column headers being fixed, which won’t work for me. I am not able to change to a different application such as Airtable.
Are there any options to make this work?