@Troy Tessalone Yes, I tried that already. Here is response from Zapier if anyone is interested:
“I've done some digging into this on our end and found an existing bug report open for an issue similar to what you are describing. The way the Find a File search action is implemented, it looks if file name contains specified words instead of doing a full match.
I don't have the timeframe on a fix but I've added your email address to the bug report so that you can be notified when the issue is resolved.”
Thanks for keeping the Community updated with your findings, @msandrew! I’ve made a note of that on our end so we’ll be sure to post in this thread as soon as we know more. 
I tried setting the serach term in “searchterm” but it still locates a match that is not exact. Has anyone found a workaround for this?
I am having the same problem for folder names as well. There is no way to find the exact match, only a similar match.
Hey folks, just stopping by with a quick update to share that the bug report for the issue of the Find a File match not performing an exact match has since been closed! 
In case you didn’t see the email notification that went out here’s the key details from it that you need to be aware of:
we're glad to report that the integration now offers a choice between exact search matching, and "fuzzy" search matching when finding Files and Folders.
By default, the integration will defer to the original, "fuzzy" behaviour of matching search results if the title *contains* the provided search term, meaning your existing Zaps will continue functioning uninterrupted.
However, if you'd prefer to see the File or Folder search only return a result if the provided search term *exactly matches* the entity's name/title, then this option is now available to you in the Zap Editor.
We hope you’ll able to test out this new exact match Search Type soon and do let us know if you run into any issues with it.
In the meantime, happy Zapping!