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Filter out threaded replies from Slack?

  • 22 April 2021
  • 3 replies

I see a few previous discussions adjacent to what I’m trying to figure out, yet not quite what I’m looking for.

I’ve set up a Zap that will take messages posted to a public channel in Slack and create Jira Software Cloud issues from them. If somebody replies to that main channel message, however, I do NOT want that threaded reply to trigger the Zap.

Any ideas about how to make this work?

(I see are a few fields that might be relevant, yet I’m not sure how to interpret them. For example, there’s a field called Thread Ts Time, yet it doesn’t seem to be about whether a message is a main channel message or a threaded reply.)

Hi @Jeremy Burton 

In Slack, if the message is a reply via a Thread it will include these 2 data points in the trigger:

  • thread_ts
  • thread_ts_time


Use a Filter as Step 2 to filter out messages that have these data points


Thanks! I’ll give it a try. 

@Jeremy Burton – Does that work for you? I’ve tried creating a filter to exclude Slack messages with a Thread TS Time does not exist – but it appears to be filtering out the original posts too. :(