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Filter out orders if they contain a specific product from a list of products.

  • 20 October 2021
  • 1 reply

Is there a way to have a list of products that I can compare against an order and have it stop the zap if it contains anything on that list.


Say I don’t want to zap orders with red shirts, blue shirts, or green shirts but everything else is good. I would like to compare the list of “red, blue, green” against the line item name field and stop it if it contains any of those colors. 


I would like to do this without multiple filters as that is the obvious answer. Filter 1, filter 2, filter 3. 

Hi @jajudd421 

Try using a Filter step in your Zap:


1 Filter step can have multiple conditions.


For example:

Line Items Name does NOT contains ‘red’


Line Items Name does NOT contains ‘blue’


Line Items Name does NOT contains ‘green’