Count Webflow form submissions in Zapier sent email
How can I add an incrementing count of Webflow form submissions into the generated/sent Zapier email?
I have a simple Webflow form that is submitted to Zapier then some basic filtering is applied to send emails to different sales representatives depending on what product type the client selects before submitting the form.
I see one field ‘ID’ but it has no data/value.
I want to keep this primary key/incrementing number index as simple as possible.
Last element/field ID has no data/value
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Hi @Symbio
You can increment a value by +1 by using this Storage By Zapier action. Then map the value to your email body field.
Hi @robschmidt , before I get started with the change you suggest. Will that work on 5 separate email sends/bodies?
Form submission > Zapier filter x > Send email x (Increment value will be 1) Form submission > Zapier filter y > Send email y (Increment value will be 2) Form submission > Zapier filter z > Send email z (Increment value will be 3)
Would you know of any resources/tutorials to insert the ‘Increment Value’?
Thank you very much for your help Rob
Hey @Symbio just stepping in for Rob here! Yes, this should work for all email paths but might be dependant of how you have your Zap configured. Here are some articles/tutorials we have on using storage: