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Trying to move a file from google my drive to a folder in a shared drive.  Is this possible?

Hi @Mike M!

Can I double check that I’ve understood exactly what you’re looking to do? 

You have a Google Drive folder with various files. When a file is updated in that folder, you want to send the updated file to the shared drive. Is that right? And you’re the owner of the drive that’s shared? Could I also check if you want to move the file, copy the file to the shared folder so it’s a new file, or copy the file and replace an existing one?

All of those are possible with the Google drive integration, but I want to make sure that we can help you find the right action. 

Hi Chanelle: No I wasn’t.  I have a zap that updates a folder in my Google drive and I wanted to immediately send that update file to the shared drive.  So far, no luck!

Hi @Mike M wanted to check in and see if you were able to accomplish what you intended to? 👎👍

Troy, thanks for response. It’s driving me crazy. I think I own the shared and my drive. I’ll try to figure it out. Thanks for the tip. 

Hi @Mike M 

Good question.


GDrive help article:


Also, you can't trigger or act upon a folder shared with you, so files added to folders you don't own will not trigger the Zap.
The connected account must be the owner.