Hi there wonderful humans! A question I could use your help with...
I’m trying to make a zap that catches all of the leads from a Facebook Page we own (all of our lead forms on Facebook from Facebook Ads). I’d like the zap to get triggered any time a lead comes through any of our forms, and pass it into our CRM - ActiveCampaign.
However, right now many of our lead forms are not passing email leads into our CRM (Active Campaign) meaning that I have to manually import our leads, and our new leads don’t receive their welcome email instantly and first newsletter on time. We have 8-10 brands at the moment so it’s not tenable to do manual imports and of course, that’s the point of Zapier.
My Zaps work when I select a particular lead form on Facebook from the Trigger menu drop down, but when I choose “default / any form” it doesn’t automatically pipe any new lead to our CRM.
If someone here knows - could you please let me know if it is in fact possible to have a “catch-all” zap for all leads to any lead form on a Facebook page and if so what I might be doing wrong!
Thanks much!