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I’d like to build out a zap to capture all relevant movement on Jira tickets that I am involved in. Currently, I have it set up so that a row is added or updated when:

  • A ticket is updated in which I am a reporter
  • A ticket is updated in which I am assigned

However, I’d also like to pull in ticket data for:

  • Tickets I am watching
  • Tickets which someone mentions me in a tag

Any advice to capture the Jira ‘watching’ and ‘tag’ data would be deeply appreciated!

Hi @nikki.laurita 

Are you using Jira Server or Jira Cloud?

Hi @Troy Tessalone – I’m using Jira Software Cloud!


First try using this trigger.

JQL documentation:


Otherwise, you may have to go with a more advanced approach and use Jira webhooks

This would use the Webhooks trigger app in your Zap:


Just checking in to see if you still need help with this?