We’re transitioning from Periscope to Tableau as our BI tool - I understand there are no native integrations so there’s going to need to be some sort of CSV intermediary file.
In Periscope we can expose an endpoint that is a .csv and are currently running an google sheet app script (example below) to pull this CSV in to the Google Sheet and then using the Sheet->Zapier trigger to send the data to other systems.
With needing to re-write everything with the new BI tool I’m wondering what options there are to skip the step of using the google sheet and app script to pull in the CSV first before Zapier can action it. Would this be using the new ‘tables’ in Zapier?
I know this is a broad question and I’m mostly looking for examples or suggestions.
As background, the app script in sheets is below and if I could do the same thing without Gsheets that would be great.
function getCsv() {
var url = 'https://app.periscopedata.com/api/….
var csv = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var data = Utilities.parseCsv(csv);
SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1').getRange(1, 1, data.length, data10].length).setValues(data);