Hi all, new to this space and zapier, so hoping some circle<>Zapier experts in here can lend me a hand
I’m in the process of building out a community for a client and we’re using Circle as our platform. Unlike Insided where you can set a milestone threshold to automatically assign badges there is not such automation in circle to achieve this. However I was told that if I created the tags (Circle version of badges) I could use Zapier to automate this process. So if someone attends 5 events = badge/tag, or someone contributes 100 comments= badge/tag.
Anyone with some know-how on this willing to help a brother out?
If I’m understanding, I could create an initial zap that adds all users and user data to airtable (Could I also use google sheets? We don’t have an air table account). Then using the roll up feature, I would then create an automation between GoogleSheets/air table that assigns a certain tag in circle once X number is achieved in the google sheet corresponding to the users name/email
I’d recommend using Airtable over GSheets.
Airtable is a relational database, meaning records can be linked across Tables.
Thanks for the response @Troy Tessalone. So if I understand there isn’t a direct way to automate IF X happens in Circle then Assign Y Tag? Correct?
If I’m understanding, I could create an initial zap that adds all users and user data to airtable (Could I also use google sheets? We don’t have an air table account). Then using the roll up feature, I would then create an automation between GoogleSheets/air table that assigns a certain tag in circle once X number is achieved in the google sheet corresponding to the users name/email
Like I said, I’m new to zapier so my understanding of more complex workflows is a little rudimentary. I’m kinda at the “explain this to me like I’m 5” level (haha)