
Action based on updated row in Notion database

  • 28 December 2021
  • 2 replies



afaik, it is only possible to trigger an action based on new database items in Notion. In it is apparently possible to use updated database items on Notion as trigger. Wanted to see if the community knows if it is possible anyway in Zapier or if there is any workaround?


What I am trying to do: Build a “stale bot” that triggers whenever there is no activity in Notion docs after x Days which then triggers a message in Slack saying that the doc should be given some love


With the current “new database item” trigger, every Notion page can only trigger once, although it could trigger several times (if there is always a huge amount of time in between the actions).


Thanks a lot!


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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @phimae

Notion doesn’t support webhooks (yet) which is how apps send event notifications in real-time to another app (like Zapier).


You may have to configure some sort of system to initially log each item, then setup a scheduled trigger (e.g. every day) to iterate thru each of these logged items to check for and updated their last updated timestamp (if that data point is returned as part of the Notion Find Item Zap action).


An app like Airtable can be used as the operational database for this:

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @phimae! Checking in here. Were you able to try out Troy’s suggestions and get this workflow sorted out? Let us know - we’d love to help out where we can!