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In search action, I have enabled dynamic field which populates input fields based on an API call.

Now I want to loop through this input fields.

While searching I want to pass the entered search fields alone. How I can achieve this in Zapier?


Dynamic fields generates input fields 



Generated input fields for search


Now I want to fetch fields where value is entered and pass to the corresponding API to fetch search results.

How to achieve this.




used like


const options = {
  url: '',
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'X-API-KEY': bundle.authData.api_key
  params: {
    'api_key': bundle.authData.api_key
  body: {


If you need to reference some properties by known names as well as dynamic ones you can use destructuring assignment.


Lots of options… another available option is Object.keys which would get you an array of the keys in inputData



Thanks Zane. This approach helped in resolving the issue.

All input is available in your perform function in bundle.inputData. Try using Javascript spread syntax to dynamically reference all the fields, like, ...bundle.inputData

Switch over to “code mode” for more control over the request if you’re not already. 

Thanks Jane for quick response. I am using code mode to handle the action.

since input field names can be anything based on the above field. 

If I refer with static name like bundle.inputData.firstName, its working fine.

How I can loop through all the input fields like 





Catch here is number of input fields are dynamic and names of input fields are dynamic.

can you suggest a viable option here.

Adding more details here

I need to fetch input field name and its value entered. 

This is required for search API call where in all search fields should be passed as request param with name value pair. 

My call would be like searchEndPoint? firstName=Jane&age=30&location=london

I need to fetch those to make above call.