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I need to find out the users who have integrated my integration with zap. As of now it is showing only the total number of users in version tab.

Hi Zane, Thanks for the quick response. It will be helpful, if the analytics tools provide atleast users email id who were using mine integrations. Taking logs, filtering Zapier request, checking trigger and action request, finding users will be a long process and also if our logs are archived we will miss the chances are high that we will miss those zapier request

Check out the “Analytics” section (on the left hand nav in the UI).  This will show you the number of Zaps that are enabled/paused/total for each trigger and action.  If your app is published, we’ll show you the count of your unique users who have been active (had a Zap complete successfully using your integration) over the last rolling 90 day period.  

We are aiming to add even more useful stats, data, metrics and insight next year.  

Additionally, another way you can gather data on your uniques, and what your users are doing, is in your API’s logs on your server.  Each request from Zapier will be designated as such in the user agent header.  Correlate that with user identity in your system and you’ll get a good picture of what your users are doing with your Zapier integration.  For this purpose, some developers choose to include extra meta data in their API calls to identify which specific trigger or action and version the request originated from.  If you are looking for a list of the specific identities of the users of your integration, this will remain the only way to acquire that information for the foreseeable future.