
At what point does Zapier hit the subscribe post URL we set

  • 30 August 2022
  • 1 reply

When you configure your API Request to use REST HookPolling, At what point does Zapier hit the subscribe post URL we set here? I noticed it was not hit throughout the whole process of creating, testing and publishing the Zap (Still in private mode/development mode)


Trigger Type



Enter the endpoint URL to create a new webhook subscription.


Enter the endpoint URL to remove a webhook subscription.

Perform List

Enter the endpoint URL Zapier should check for recent items, to provide sample data in the Zap Editor. 


The perform function is called each time a new hook is received. Make any needed changes to the data before it's returned to the Zap.


This is very confusing.

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1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

HI @Oti254 ,

The Subscribe Hook function is called when turning on / publishing the Zap. Are you saying you published the Zap and it worked without seeing that method called? Did I misunderstand your question?

Hope that helps, but let me know if you have more questions!