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Add input fields dynamically after a dropdown selection

  • 16 February 2021
  • 1 reply


I am creating an integration for my compagny and I can’t figure out how to add input fields dynamically. 

I will illustrate my issue with an example :

  • I have a first dropdown in which I can select a user 
  • Depending on the user I selected, I have another dropdown with many fields like adress, name, date of birth, etc…. 

The idea is to be able to select as many fields as I want to edit into my second dropdown and generate dynamically one input field for each field selected to map it to a Google forms. 

I am able to create the two dropdown but I see no information in the documentation on how I can implement the generation of input fields according to a selection ? Does anyone have an idea ? Is there any other solution ? 


Thank you

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

You should be able to accomplish this with dynamic fields: - instead of populating a second dropdown with the custom fields available, you’ll just render all of them.  This is the standard approach and should yield the best user experience.  

Another option is a dictionary field, which would allow a user to enter an arbitrary set of name value pairs, but the dynamic field approach sounds like what you’re really looking for.