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Zap not triggering for new webhooks sent

  • 21 March 2022
  • 4 replies

h team

I have created a ZAP which should run a triggert by a webhook. 

after subscription i got the hook url

as i run the following code (same from postman) i can see the hook in the monitor but nothing actually happned in the zap (emai/goolge sheet) 

am i missing something?


await fetch("", 
    { method: "POST", 
      body: ' {"id":20829875,"name":"M","firstname":"m","lastname":"w","company":"S","phone":"","title":"d","location":"usa","email":"xxx"}]',
      headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Accept: "application/json", } }); 



Hi @dane78 

Can you check your Zap history and see if Zapier is able to receive the data? Make sure you have your Zap turned on.



nothing appears on my zap history!

i get event in the monitor but no clue on how to debug and what is going wrong.

as far as i can see by documentation everything is ok




I am also facing the same issue.

Due to invalid data response from API, trigger still shows success message when hook run, but ignore it and don’t run.