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Hi all,

I have a Google Sheet which records Wocommerce store orders and payments.

I am trying to figure out a way to have Stripe payouts marked off per order in GSheet when the payout is successful. I have setup a Webhook zap from Stripe to Zapier. However, the data received in the Stripe webhook trigger does not correspond to or match any data that is generated by the Woocommerce order.

The IDs in the Stripe webhook are completely different to the the IDs in the Woocommerce order/payment trigger. Am I missing something here or is this not possible due to the limited data that comes out of a Stripe payout webhook?

Thanks in advance,

Hi @Troy Tessalone 

Thanks for replying.

I believe in order to use the “Find Charge” step, there needs to be an ID in the payout webhook data which matches an ID from the Woocommerce data. This isn’t the case. None of the IDs in the Stripe webhook trigger match the IDs in the Woo trigger.





I’ve checked every ID generated and none match. :(

Hi @siliceous 

Check to see if there is a Stripe Charge ID (may go by another term - e.g. Transaction/Payment) included as part of the WooCommerce Order, and make sure to save that on the GSheet.

If so, then you can use the Stripe Find Charge Zap action.