
push data in from Swagger OpenAPI (+cron)

  • 6 September 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi there

I feel that I’m missing one piece of my puzzle problem :)

I have a client who has a exposed API on Swagger who wants me to push his customer data into

I can’t see on Zapier a way to connect those 2 apps. I saw a mention of webhooks. Is it the only solution?

How can I push customer data into when my only API access in Swagger?


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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @patoche! Great question and thanks for asking in the Community!

A lot of this depends on what you’re looking to achieve. 🙂 Sometimes it helps to think of it in terms of "When this happens in Swagger, do that in"

I did take a quick peek and it looks like there are several available actions for the app. Do any of those work for what you had in mind?

One thing to keep in mind is zaps only work for new or incoming data.

All that said, here’s a few resources to get you started if you decide to give that a shot:

I wanted to be sure to mention this is considered an advanced approach so the amount of support offered is minimal but feel free to drop any general questions you may have! The community is full of some awesome brainiacs. 🧠

I hope some of this helps and welcome to the Community! 🎉

“A lot of this depends on what you’re looking to achieve” sorry I though my request was clear :)

I have a client who has a exposed API on Swagger who wants me to push his customer data into

So I have to use Zapier to periodically poll  Swagger for new data and push this data into

Is it clearer?