I think something is wrong with this is_free_shipping field because
other fields are updating except this Free shipping field
please help me

I think something is wrong with this is_free_shipping field because
other fields are updating except this Free shipping field
please help me
Can you please provide the API Documentation you are using so we can help you better?
I would think its looking for 0 / 1 instead of false / true
API doc:- https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference/366928572e59e-create-a-product
yes, I’m using true/ false
I exported some existing data from BigCom and there is value in Y/N in that field
According to the API Documentation, it accepts “true”. False just means that this checkbox is unchecked.
Flag used to indicate whether the product has free shipping. If true
, the shipping cost for the product will be zero.
in case of false try to pass blank
NOT working
I tried yes/no, 0/1, and also blank values but that fields took their default values every time
You are trying to CREATE a new product OR UPDATE an Existing Product? Because the API you mentioned above is for creating New Products.
well I’m trying both actually, I’m using Sheets as Trigger and applying a path if Id exists then the action goes for Update otherwise for NEW
Another thing, I THINK there is an extra space before “is_free_shipping” in your webhooks, delete that.
Tried but still not working…..
Invalid Field returning
Just to be clear, you are using those 2 endpoints
If so, maybe you want to open a ticket with support on BigCommerce because everything seems to be setup as per thier API Documentation.
I guess something is wrong with that because I tried with code tool using Python as a result I’m able to Update and create new products and also able to change that Free shipping field
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