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How to store HTML code to re-use it in another step?

  • 28 November 2021
  • 2 replies

The challenge : Using a core email structure in an avatar nurturing.


The target : Improve the management of the automation by having only one zap to modify if I change my email policy (example: changing sender A to sender 😎.


My plan : To do that, I try to provide HTML code as parameter to a sub-zap as follow:


zap1: <How to store html code?> → call sub-zap (zap2) with parameter:html code

zap2: send email with gmail:body <parameter:html code from zap1>


Do you know How to store html code with zapier ? So far, my belief is that I need to play with code with zapier.


Try Storage app or Code app.



Thank you so much. Storage is the solution to my problem.