
Zaps getting disabled after publishing

  • 11 January 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi there,

I’ve created a zap where I’ve connected Gravity form with Odoo Self-hosted instance.

I want to create a new lead in odoo instance when there is a new form submission on website. 

When I set this up, everything seems fine. But after publishing, the zap turns off automatically. when i tried to enable it manually, it again gets disabled. Can someone please help me understand what can be the issue and how it can be fixed.

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey @technians, welcome to the Community! 🙂

I did some checking and it looks like you also reached out to our Support team about this and they replied with a suggestion - I suspect it may have gone into your spam/junk folder. 

I’m going to share the information from Support regarding an error they spotted in the Zaps logs in case you can’t find their reply: 

The app returned "The API key provided does not have write permissions.".

Could you please double-check if the API key permission in GravityForms is set to 'Read/Write' and not only to "Read"
Here's a help doc from Gravityforms on how to set it up:

You’ll likely need to reconnect your GravityForms account in the Zap before attempting to turn the Zap on again. 

Can you give that a try and let us know if changing the API permissions and reconnecting sorts it? We’ll be keeping an eye out for your reply!