I’m trying to do a search of line items in my table, when a new booking is created , then look for a previous booking that matches either the same start, or end time (therefore flagging it as a back to back booking)
For example, if there is Booking A 9:30pm to 10pm, and another Booking B at 10:30 - 11PM EST.
Then suddenly a new booking C is created in between these 2 time slots of 10:00 - 10:30 EST.
My trigger is
- when a new booking (booking C) is recorded on the table,
- search for record (output at line items)
- where the Start time of C is exactly the end time
- the output SHOULD be A, but it keeps showing both A & B, which in the line output becomes a mix of results and I cant parse it.

How can I fix this??