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I’m trying to do a search of line items in my table, when a new booking is created , then look for a previous booking that matches either the same start, or end time (therefore flagging it as a back to back booking)

For example, if there is Booking A 9:30pm to 10pm, and another Booking B at 10:30 - 11PM EST. 

Then suddenly a new booking C is created in between these 2 time slots of 10:00 - 10:30 EST.


My trigger is 

  1. when a new booking (booking C) is recorded on the table, 


  1. search for record (output at line items)
  2. where the Start time of C is exactly the end time
  3. the output SHOULD be A, but it keeps showing both A & B, which in the line output becomes a mix of results and I cant parse it. 


How can I fix this??

That’s awesome @garyluk7! I’m glad to hear you were able to get it sorted!

Also, thank you for sharing the solution here. This will be helpful to our other awesome Community members who might have a similar issue.

Happy Zapping! ⚡️

Nevermind! Tooks like making the tables column into a Text column rather than a date/time column was the fix.. 
