
Zapier homepage and zap page not loading with over 20 zaps

  • 4 October 2023
  • 1 reply

Zapier homepage and zap page not loading. Tried everything. Its been like this for 3 days now. I refresh the page and click on the zap but then all my zaps disappear until I click anywhere again. I then do this over and over with nothing ever loading. Can’t use, edit, rename, duplicate or create any zaps. I really liked Zapier up until the last few days. Seems like once I have over 20/25 zaps it just wants to start shutting down

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @zechsmithmate 

Good question.

Things to check/try:

  • Try using a new/different private browser
  • Try using a different device to access Zapier
  • Make sure browser add-ons/extensions/plugins aren’t impacting the loading of Zapier
  • Make sure to accept the cookies warning presented by Zapier
  • Make sure your browser is updated
  • Make sure your computer operating system updated
