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WordPress “Updated Post in WordPress” trigger cannot find any posts

  • 18 August 2022
  • 1 reply



I am trying to trigger a zap when a wordpress post is updated.

I add the trigger “Updated Post in WordPress” and successfully connect to wordpress. However, it never finds a post.

I have added new posts, saved them, edited them and saved again but it nevers finds them.


If I set up a new trigger of New post it finds that so I know the connection works.


Am I missing a step?





Best answer by christina.d 18 August 2022, 22:48

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Userlevel 7
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Hey there, @markhatter! Welcome to the Community!

Sorry to hear you’re running into this! Wordpress can definitely be a doozy to work with sometimes. I hope you don’t mind if we start from the top!

Are you able to check your Zap History? Is there any history there? If there isn’t - I might recommend checking out some of the steps outlined here if you haven’t already:

Outside of that though, if you’re still able to get it working - I’d recommend opening a ticket with my friends in support! They should be able to review logs and see what the underlying issue is. 🙂

Keep us posted!