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Hi community, 

I created multiple ‘trigger and action’ zaps on Zapier 

Trigger: Deal Matching Filter in PipeDrive

             That is, Deal status on PipeDrive is changed to won

Action: Add Tag to Subscriber on Drip


The test ran fine, but the trigger is not working irl.

 ‘Deal Matching Filter in PipeDrive’ → ‘Test Trigger’ is not pulling in new deals from PipeDrive. 

I had to choose from multiple deals, from the drop down option, and select one of them (Deal A, Deal B, etc.) manually for the zap to work  

How can i make it work automatically?


Hi @700plusclub 

Please share screenshots of how your zap is set up. It may also be helpful for you to check the zap history for any errors.

What is in your set up trigger? Is your zap on? Is anything shown in your zap history?

Based on your zap history, it does appear that the trigger is firing as there is a run history from today but the is a filter step immediately after the trigger stopped the zap. 

Hey @700plusclub! Just checking in here. @GetUWired is correct that your Zap runs are being stopped by your filter. Are you able to share a screenshot with how that step of your Zap is configured and what you want the filter to do? From there, we can dig into this for you and suggest changes to get things working. 🙂 Let us know! 


You are correct, it doesn’t look like anything is wrong with your filter at first glance. Have you tried to test a deal by changing its status to “Won”?  Then going into your zap history and looking at the logs? That is your best course of action when troubleshooting. Keep in mind, the Deal Matching Filter trigger for Pipedrive is a scheduled trigger meaning it could take up to 15 minutes (if you are on a free or starter plan in Zapier) before it triggers.  

Hey @700plusclub We really appreciate you continuing to work through this with us. If I am understanding the issue, it’s that everything works when testing the Zap as it finds the deal but when the Zap is on, it doesn’t trigger, correct? If so, and you’ve waited ~15 minutes and things still aren’t coming across to your Zap History, then I think it’s time to take this one to support (and feel free to reference this Community thread in your message to them so you don’t have to repeat yourself):

Keep us posted with how things go - we want to make sure you’re able to get up and running here!

Thanks for letting us know, @700plusclub! So glad you were able to get that ticket opened.

Keep us in the loop with your solution! We’d love to know. 🙂

Every time a deal status is changed in PipeDrive, I have to manually click ‘Load more’ and select a different deal for the automation to work. The next steps in the workflow seem to work without any issues. 

And I don’t see any errors in the zap history. 

And yes, the zap is on. 

Hey @GetUWired & @jesse,

I don’t think there is any issue with the filter, as it says ‘ Your zap would have continued’. 

Purpose of this filter:

The flow will continue only if Deal status is changed to Won on PipeDrive. 

What I am trying to achieve through the zap:

Once the customer pay for our services, they will receive email sequences from us, and we use Drip  to send these email sequences. 

How the zap helps me:

Once the Deal is marked as Won on PipeDrive, the zap is triggered and specific tags are applied to the customer on drip and these tags trigger the separate workflow (email sequences) that is set on Drip. 


Hope this information works.

This is the filter.

As mentioned earlier, I have to load more deals from ‘test trigger’ every time a new deal arrives on PipeDrive and select the most recent deal for the rest of the steps to work. 

If i do this, then the automation works without any other issues. 


Thanks. I have contacted support (awaiting their response).