Why does the new app joiner's name appear in ConvertKit as "App"?

  • 6 October 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi. Do you have an idea why when someone subcribe to our passion app then zaps to convertkit tag, the new app joiners are appearing on our convertkit but they are appearing with the name 'App'?

2 replies

Hi again. Please see attached image with regarding the issue I raised. Thank you. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @krissel, welcome to the Community!

Could you share a screenshot the ConverKit step in your Zap, specifically one that shows the information that’s in each of the fields? Don’t forget to remove or obscure any personal or private information in any screenshot you share in the community (eg full name, email address, etc). If we can see how the action is set up, that will help us to understand what might be happening. 


Also, can I check something? When you say that the new joiners appear with the name ‘App’, do you mean that in the name field in ConvertKit it says ‘App’ or is ‘App’ a tag or field somewhere else in the ConvertKit record? Thanks!
