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What do I put in the email field to get all of my contacts from Follow Up Boss into Constant Contact?

  • 6 October 2022
  • 2 replies

I have my Zap set up, but it seems to only let me add one email at a time. It only uses the test email and send that one over to constant contact. What do i put in the email field to get all of my contacts from FollowUpBoss into Constant Contact. 

Hi @Alicia Edwards 

Through Zap, you can only send realtime data to your action steps, you can’t send older data.


To send older data you need to use Zapier Transfer Feature, while FUB doesnt support transfer but you can export your data to google sheet and then use transfer to send to ConstantContact.

Hey there @Alicia Edwards! Were you able to try out our Transfer Feature? If yes, did that work out the way you had hoped? 
