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My first zap…

I have a zap that is successfully being triggered when someone submits a form from our website, and successfully taking some of the data from the form and entering it into a new row in an excel spreadsheet.

That’s all good, except when I set up the excel part, it only gives me 3 items from the form submission to use, and I can’t even choose which items I want to add to excel. It’s for tracking batches of products we produce, and I want to track how many packages per day/week/month/year are being produced. That quantity is being received by the zap, but where it lists the data to enter, I only get 3 choices, and none of them are the quantity. 

I’m sure I’m missing something, but I don’t see a way to modify which items from the form submission are passed onto excel. 


Glad to hear it, @freezedriedusa! 🎉🎉🎉

Thanks so much for letting us know! We really appreciate you taking the time to come back here and confirm that Ken’s recommendation did the trick. 🤗

If we can assist with anything else Zap-related in future just let us know - the Community is always here and willing to help!

It’s working. Thank you! 

Hi there @freezedriedusa,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

You will need to setup your Excel spreadsheet in a certain way for you to be able to map your data to the Microsoft Excel action step.

You can read more on how to setup your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet here:

Hopefully, this helps! 😊
