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UUID For ChartMogul Integration with Gumroad

  • 5 October 2022
  • 2 replies


I’m trying to connect Gumroad with Chartmogul. 

Every time a new sale comes through in Gumroad, send it over to ChartMogul with the customer info / sale, product, etc.


Step 1:


Step 2: This is where I’m having trouble… How do I get a UUID #? 


There is no UUID # coming from Gumroad… thanks in advance!





Hey there @bobthebuilder99 ,

It looks like Todd is correct -- this ID would need to be fetched directly from ChartMogul. 

Hi Jeff!

ChartMogul expects a data source UUID from ChartMogul. You should be able to create a data source (and acquire its UUID) at

Their app on our platform at the moment does not have a way for you to query for it during a Zap run so you likely can find it on their webapp someplace!  Give that a try and let us know if you still need help =)

Hi Jeff!

ChartMogul expects a data source UUID from ChartMogul. You should be able to create a data source (and acquire its UUID) at
