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only my second zap and it should be an easy one! 

Updated File in Google Drive - Copy File in Google Drive (another Google account).

But File not Found.  Screenprints shows authentications and data. Any ideas please?

Delete zap and start again.  Worked.


If you login as in a browser, does the copy / past from the other google account work?  This would prove that there are access rights to the external GoogleDrive folder, and Google document.

Kind regards,



hi Mike, thanks.

The LaurdanBackup account (destination folder) has Viewer access to the LaurdanRestricted folder (file source), attached.

Hi @DannyEwen,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

I took a look at the screenshot, and it seems like the issue here is on the “File” field in “Copy File” step.

(view larger)

The “File” field looks for the File ID. Could you please try mapping the File ID as a custom value from the trigger step?

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!

The app returned "File not found: 1XB1MXvKlifdIDABo3-5x55YEyQQDUc8V".

But that isn’t the file id shown

attachment not showing above?

Happy to copy any file (when changed in the folder), if that is possible instead of ZAPing each file?

Hi there @DannyEwen,

Have you tried skipping the action step testing, by clicking on the “Skip Test” button and publishing the Zap? After that, please try triggering the Zap while it’s published and check the Zap History to see if it’ll run into the same error.

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!


A refresh finds the source file after I amend it. Test then does not.

Published, it does not even show in history when the file is amended.

has arrived in History

Hi @DannyEwen,

I replicated your Zap and I didn’t run into an error. Also, It looks like when testing the “Copy File” action step its using the wrong ID rather than the mapped data in the “File” field. Could you please reselect the Folder in the “Folder” field of your “Copy File” step and see if it’ll work?

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!

That’s an awesome news @DannyEwen! I’m glad to hear that starting the Zap from scratch trick worked!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗
