
Update event Zap isn't working when a row is updated, and I need help with EventID configuration.

  • 18 August 2023
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 1

I seem to have it working to create the event but it is not updating when the row is updated. I believe I have an error in the way I have set-up the update event zap - maybe in the event field as I understand there needs to be an eventid but I am not sure how to configure this. 

Please see screenshots.

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Yes, this is correct, the Event expects the Event ID.


Zap step 2 will find or create a GCal Event, which will always return an Event ID.


If the Zap is not triggering then that’s an issue with GSheets, and possibly how the GSheet is configure, how the GSheet data is being updated.


Did you review the available help articles for using GSheets in Zaps?

Userlevel 1

airtables isn’t an option unfortunately because sheets pulls the data directly from shopify.  I know the instant isn’t really instant with google sheets, however it has been quite a while and still nothing.  It took only a few min to create a new event but I just can’t get the update event to work.  
there is a mandatory field under update called “event”.  Is that supposed to be set to id? And if so is id automatically generated from the calendar or should it be a column in the spreadsheet.  I have a feeling this is where it is breaking. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


As an alternative, check out Airtable.

Airtable has Automations.

Airtable Automations have native integrations with GCal.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Make sure your GSheet is configured correctly to work with Zaps.


Zaps work while turned ON for new data going forward.


Help articles for using each app in Zaps:


The Google Sheets trigger is marked "instant" but it still takes a few minutes to trigger

The triggers for Google Sheets are unique among Zapier triggers. When there is a trigger event in the spreadsheet, Zapier gets a notification webhook from Google about this. After that, Zapier sends Google Sheets a request for new data, so it uses both the polling and instant trigger methods. This process takes about 3 minutes overall.

While not being "instant", these triggers are faster than regular polling ones, as they don't depend on the polling interval of the plan your account uses.

Userlevel 1

I’m not getting any error message and it’s not showing that it is even attempting the zap under Zap history. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Shawn_L 

Good question.

What error are you encountering? (screenshots)

Make sure all the required field are populated for each Zap step.