
Unable to return Chat GPT response to original Google Sheet database row

  • 15 February 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello Zapier friends!

I have a Google Sheet which I use as a database for articles. I’d like to convert these articles into shorter forms using Chat GPT, and return the shorter form content to the original database. This way, the database will automatically populate every time I add a new article. At least that is the idea. 

The articles and the prompts are found on the same rows in the Worksheet. I want the Zap to trigger when a new article is created. This step works.

Secondly, I’m sending the article and the prompt (hard coded in the article) to Chat GPT using the API. Then Chat GPT returns the answer. This works fine as well.

Lastly – as mentioned – I’d like to return the answer from Chat GPT to the original worksheet/database, on the same row but in a separate (given) column. This does not work. In fact, I can’t even find the original spreadsheet in the dropdown menu when setting up the action. 

I suspect there is a simple solution to this, but I don’t know what do look for. 

Really appreciate any help. 



1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey @earlybird, welcome to the Community!

Hmm, if you can’t select the existing spreadsheet from the list of available options in the Spreadsheet field’s dropdown menu there’s a couple things I’d suggest trying:

1) Start typing the name of the spreadsheet in the list then click on the Load more button (you may need to do it a few times depending on how many spreadsheets you have) to pull in more spreadsheets:

That should allow the Zap to then load in the missing spreadsheet.

2) Alternatively you can temporarily add a Google Drive Find a File action to search for the Spreadsheet and obtain it’s ID number. Then you can copy the ID number from the ID field that’s output when testing:

Next, in the Update Spreadsheet Row action, use the Custom value option to manually select the spreadsheet that way:

Then you can remove that Find a File action it won’t be needed if the Zap is going to be updating the same spreadsheet every time.

Can you give either of those a try and let me know how you get on?
