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Unable to notify new Twitter followers using their handle

  • 24 November 2022
  • 1 reply

Hey everyone, looking for a bit of support. 

I want to tweet a new follower a message, but for some reason I can’t get it to @ them it’s just tweet their handle, meaning they will not be notified. It’s just @test instead of @test with a link to profile as demonstrated there. I’ve tested and tested over and over, and the worse thing is I’ve done this simple zap before but for whatever reason now it isn’t working 😅

Hi @copypastedan 

Good question.

Using Zapier as a Twitter Auto-Responder

A Zap that auto-responds to search mentions is a violation of Twitter's policies for automation.

Twitter’s policy doesn’t allow replies or mentions in response to search mentions. If your Zap has a Search Mention trigger and an action that sends a Tweet to that user’s @username, the Tweet will be posted but the @ will be removed.

Twitter’s policies for automation don't allow @replies in response to search mentions. Here’s a link that discusses Twitter’s policies for using automations with their platform: