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Unable to add email content to the Notion database from Front in my Zap.

  • 22 November 2023
  • 10 replies

I’m trying to use the zap, ‘create database item in Notion when new tag added to message in Front’. I’m able to connect Front/Notion successfully andadd things like Conversation subject (Front email subject) or Conversation ID, but I don’t see an option to add the actual email content when I scroll the list of data that I can pull/add from Front. 


How do I add the actual email body to Notion’s database?

Hi @TFG 

Good question.

To help us have more context, please post screenshots of the data returned from the Zap trigger step.

Notion database


The data that I’m getting from Front to Notion is fine - I was able to add the email subject and the conversation ID: 



But I’m not seeing any data fields for the actual email body when I scroll through all the available data fields:



This is what the email looks like from Front. The email body I’m referring to is the 
“Hey, ...thanks,” part, which doesn’t seem to be an available field I can add to zap from Front to Notion.


Maybe try adding this Zap action: Front - Get Conversation Last Message


Or you may have to explore using the Front API via this Zap app action.


Where do I see the option to ‘get conversation last message’?

This is what I see from Front’s events:



That is an action, not a trigger.

Where do I add an action?


It would need to be before the Notion step.

Great, that worked as now I can add ‘Body’!

Is there a way to clear formatting for the email so we don’t see tags like < br > ? I tried selecting ‘plain text’ as well as ‘markdown’ but neither worked. 




Zap action: Formatter > Text > Remove HTML Tags
